Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Red Light; Green Light

Picture this:  Four children are outside in the backyard, playing a game.  Huge smiles on every face.  All but one are staggered, facing the other child, who is yelling at them.  "Green light!"  The children race as fast as they can to tag the other child first.  The child in charge waits a few seconds, watching to see who's the fastest. A sly grin stretches across the young face.  "Red light!"  In a split second, the children freeze.  One of them, having trouble balancing since they were in mid-stride, trying not to fall.

We've all played the game.  Good, fun memories even.  But this illustration is exactly how our journey has been, and at least for right now, it doesn't seem very fun.  When Mel first asked me to be her business partner, all of our ideas came together.  Obvious green light.  Running smooth, right? Sure, until we had to come up with money. Red light! big deal.  We knew it would take money.  So, I take out a loan and Mel sells a couple of vehicles.  Green light!  We're able to buy several big ticket items: Down payment on Rent, Refrigerated Display Case, Tables, Chairs, Prep Tables, etc. Finally finding a steady pace.  But, after you buy all of that, were running low on money, and there is still a substantial amount of construction work to be done. Red light!  (Starting to see a pattern?)

We were running out of options, but Mel's family stepped up and steadied us with their financial help.  Green light!  The pace speeds up tremendously.  We even think that we may have an open date on the horizon.  Construction is happening; painting is being done.  We're close to the finish.  I can feel the anxiety of opening.  Then...  Red light!! 

I'll give you one guess. factor again.  It's driving us crazy!  We're so close, and yet so far.  Construction is coming to a close, but we now have monthly utilities and rent to pay, and we still have to buy ingredients and other supplies.  So, right now...we're just teetering...our ears open...waiting on the next Green light!

We'll keep you posted!


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