Thursday, October 7, 2010

No Sleep Til...

I'm sorry for the long delay in posting again.  Things have started moving at a frantic pace the last few weeks.  It's funny, Tiffany and I have been complaining about how slow the progress has been going with construction up until this point but now it's all coming too fast.

We had the health inspection scheduled last Tuesday and had to cancel because we weren't ready just yet, so we rescheduled for this Tuesday.  We were at the 'D' then until midnight the night before trying to get everything ready and done last minute.  Then the inspection itself.  We were all really nervous about this because we have never faced an inspection before.  What if everything was wrong and we were going to be delayed again getting everything compliant? 

I asked Tiffany to be there, so she took her lunch hour at 10 in the morning.  She stayed up late studying the rules and regulations book that night and was terrified that she would not be able to answer questions correctly and cost us our certification.  :)  So, at 9:59 I got a text from Jimmy that said "SHE'S HERE!" You could hear the panic coming through the phone.  Then it was my turn to panic.  I tried to work for the next hour or so while dying to know what was happening and if it was going well back at the store.

WE PASSED!!! So relieved, all of us.  That night Tiffany and I conducted interviews until 8:30 (a bizarre experience for me, I have never been on this side of the table LOL).  We found two people that we are really pleased with and feel confident about.  That means the only thing left is training and baking the initial products pretty much.  Well, and some final, last minute construction details.

It's been late nights every day this week then but we can handle it (I hope), things will calm down eventually.  Stay tuned for our big OPEN announcement.    :)


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