Is it a bad sign when your husband (the baker) tells you he’s thinking of running away?
Something about putting paint on the walls has all of us saying, ‘We really are gonna do this huh?’ As if the huge financial commitment we’ve already made to this endeavor meant nothing up until this point; suddenly a little honey colored paint and it’s starting to feel real. I guess it’s that we can finally visualize the actual space and us in that space doing the real work.
Jimmy is freaking out about moving from the construction industry to the food service industry. (He tells me that he has never been more scared about a new job in his whole life). Tiffany is freaking out about how much of her time will be taken up running the store after our other full time jobs and families responsibilities, and me? I’m freaking out about hiring people who I will then have to manage. Pretending like I have all the answers and know what I’m talking about when I really have no clue. Logistically, I am not sure yet how to distribute hours and job duties, how busy we are likely to be during the lunch hour, etc.
This whole process is totally new to each of us. Each and every step has been a discovery and a learning process. Most importantly we have learned that we can be flexible! With all three of us sharing ideas and encountering obstacles, we have learned to adapt our plans as we go. And sometimes, one small change creates a tidal wave of changes. Which brings me back to the paint; when that color went on the walls and the baseboard was painted black, the whole feel of the place changed. My niece came in and said it looked ‘sophisticated’. I don’t know about that but It did have a different vibe that what I initially thought. Tiffany began to think that our original logo didn’t go with the feel of the store. She asked me if I thought the logo was too ‘cartoonish’. Uh Oh!
So, yesterday she showed me a new logo she designed. I have to admit that I liked it a lot but I have always had a bear with a honey pot as my logo and all our literature, etc. had the original logo. The good news was we hadn’t ordered the sign for the store or shirts, hats, aprons yet. I told her to put it on the blog as a poll and see what others think and so far it seems obvious that the new design is the favorite.
So that same paint color has now been splashed across the blog and our store website as well, giving everything a more uniform feel. I like it, but tell us what you think by voting in the poll. Remember it’s not too late, we still haven’t ordered those shirts!
In the meantime, we will still be scared, excited, and plowing ahead!
Godspeed, folks!