Friday, September 24, 2010

Full Speed Ahead!

I don’t know about Red Light, Green Light, to me it feels like trying to run up the down escalator (incidentally, I watched someone attempt to do this once, hilarious).  You’re running as fast as you can but the top is always one step away and you’re tripping and stumbling trying to stay ahead of the constant downward motion.  Tiffany told me yesterday that she just wants it to be over with.  Nice enthusiasm LOL, what she meant of course was for the construction to be complete so we can get on with the business of running a store. 
But all the recent blogs talking about and groveling for money is depressing me, let’s talk about something different.  Food!
Jimmy and I had the opportunity to go to a Food Service Trade show this last Tuesday in Hot Springs.  I’ve been to trade shows before but not for food.  Our Sysco rep suggested we go since we are totally new to the industry.  We literally got our account open the day before.  He thought we could get some great ideas for our store. 
What a blast!  They should just put a plastic bib on you at the door with your company name instead of the nametags and give you a pen with a spork on the other end.  I only got halfway through the hall and couldn’t eat any more.  He was right though, there were so many vendors there with great food and we left with bags full of brochures and our minds full of ideas.
Jimmy was laughing thinking some of these people were probably wondering why a cookie company was sampling all the cooked meats but hey, we’re making sandwiches at the store!  Besides, it was so good.  Tiffany couldn’t go and she really missed out.  What a treat!
Anyway, an update on our progress:  We will FINALLY complete construction this weekend and we have scheduled the health inspection for next week.  Our first order with Sysco will also be next week.  That means we are very close to actually baking cookies and cheesecakes, which we have almost forgotten in all this construction and paperwork.  We put a help wanted sign up at the store and an ad in the local paper for next week.  It’s feeling imminent now.  I just hope we are at the top of the escalator and there isn’t another step coming out to trip me!