Monday, August 16, 2010

You've Got a Friend in Me

Sorry about the title, but for some reason at the end of your post, the 'Toy Story' theme song just popped into my head.

It's funny Melinda should mention faith because honestly, that's exactly what it was and still is.  Throughout my life, God has placed certain people there at a time when I really needed them, and many blessings have come from it.  I truly believe He put me here to help Melinda fulfill her dream.  Emphasis on her.  My dream has been to own a Bed & Breakfast or an Inn of some sort when (if) I retire.  When I decided to go into this, I didn't do it for my sake.  Not for me, not for the money (although that is a small bonus), but for Melinda.

I, too, worked at a bakery for about 6 months, my very first job, but I wasn’t hands-on like Mel (She hates people calling her that, btw, but I do it anyway). Although my husband and I have decent credit, I still consider us poor stewards of money. I can make a mean budget and stick with it, living paycheck to paycheck with no overdue bills, but saving anything for the future is completely out of the question.

So, when Mel asked me to go into business with her, I was initially dead set against it. It seemed out of order to me. I don’t even own my home home yet, and I’m supposed to start up a business? No way! But I went home and presented the craziness of an offer to Clayton (husband) anyway.

Much to my surprise, he said, “You know…if you really want to do this, we can do it.” Deer caught in the headlights! Wha?

Again, no money saved, so where were we going to get this money? Well, a line of credit and a little help from Dad and we were well on our way…


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